RV 101® - Tow Your 5th Wheel Like a Pro Online Video Training Program
Everything you need to know about towing your 5th wheel trailer like a pro, in one easy to understand course
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Tow your 5th Wheel like a Pro Video Training Program
Our RV 101 online video training programs can be viewed from computers, tablets, and smartphones. This training program will teach you how to tow your fifth wheel trailer like a pro. The program includes written material, full-feature video instruction (with some downloadable segments), tips & tricks, fun RV University play & learn crossword puzzles and a short quiz upon completion of each chapter.
Now you don't need to drive across the country in search of a driving or towing school to learn professional driving and towing skills. And you don’t need to pay extravagant fees or join annoying clubs that inundate your email inbox with never ending offers.
Just enroll in this information packed online RV training program, and when you are through you will be towing your 5th wheel like a pro.
Video hosts Mark Polk (RV Education 101) and Lorrin Walsh (Professional driver & author of Tow Your 5th Wheel Like a Pro book) provide you with the tools you can apply to help you become a professional driver. This means the development and execution of unique driving/towing techniques and skills needed to become a safer and more confident driver.
This training program is your complete guide to professional driving and towing techniques for every level of experience. It takes commercial driver’s training techniques and converts them into easy to understand terms and techniques. We take you behind the wheel to learn topics like how to select a tow vehicle, weight terms and definitions, 5 th wheel hitching and unhitching, getting ready for the road, maneuvering skills, driving techniques, braking techniques and how to back the 5 th wheel trailer.
Towing a fifth wheel trailer, especially for the first time, can be very intimidating. Lots of people have been towing fifth wheel trailers for many years without a real understanding of the dynamics and driving techniques that apply to a tow vehicle and trailer. When most people learn to drive they are taught the hows- and not the whys. Learning the whys, or mechanics of driving and towing gives you the tools and skills that can be used with any vehicle and any driving/towing situation.
Chapters covered in the Tow your 5th Wheel Like a Pro video training progra
Chapter 1: Selecting a Tow Vehicle
Chapter 2: 5th Wheel Hitches
Chapter 3: Getting Ready for the Road
Chapter 4: Maneuvering Skills
Chapter 5: Backing a Tow Vehicle
Chapter 6: Towing a 5th Wheel Trailer
Chapter 7: The Art of Braking
Chapter 8: Mind Set
Downloads in this course:
Weight Terms & Truck & Trailer Worksheets PDF
Pre-Trip Checklist PDF
Customer Testimonial: I LOVED the videos I got from RV Education 101. The instructions are excellent and easy to understand. I can't recommend them strongly enough. I am a solo, female, new RVer who just bought a HitchHiker Premier. My intent is to RV full-time once my house sells....Patty Schild-Mills
Your Instructor
Chief Warrant Officer Three Mark J. Polk was awarded a first place US Army maintenance award from General Shelton.
Mark started RV Education 101 in 1999
History past and present:
- Writer/ Columnist/ Contributor for numerous RV consumer & RV trade newsletters and magazines (RVBusiness, FMCA, RV News, RV Companion, Pop-Up Times, RV Free Wheelin’, Trail Blazer, RV Executive Today and RV Magazine,)
- RV Technical Writer for several newsletters and blogs, (Go RVing blog, Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA), RV Net Expert Blog, RV University This Week, Camping World e-newsletter, RV Travel, RV Trader, Rollin On TV website, HGTV and Geiko Insurance blog)
- Script and host television segments for Rollin On TV
- Scripted & hosted television segment titled RV Savvy for four seasons (52 episodes) with RVTV on The Outdoor Channel and three Canadian TV Channels.
Course Curriculum
StartSelecting a Tow Vehicle - Full Feature Video (13:04)
Start5th Wheel Hitches - Full Feature Video (10:05)
StartGetting Ready for the Road - Full Feature Video (14:38)
StartManeuvering Basics - Full Feature Video (9:31)
StartBacking a 5th Wheel - Full Feature Video (11:39)
StartTowing the 5th Wheel Trailer - Full Feature Video (12:33)
StartThe Art of Braking - Full Feature Video (8:48)
StartMind Set - Full Feature Video (13:56)